Everything involving macros, the API, and the UNO eventually gets down to"You need to read/reference Pitonyak’s book(s) and links to his website, e.g., www.pitonyak.org/oo.php which refuses to connect.
[The posting will not allow me to repeat his web address, so read www-------- to be such in one form or another.]
Brave says:
This site can’t be reached
www-------- refused to connect
Firefox (on a different machine) says:
Unable to connect
Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at www--------
Chrome on my Android phone says:
This site cam’t be reached
www-------- refused to connect
ping -------- & ping www-------- both work fine
with a reference to ----xaox----
Is the a secret code or magic handshake to access his website?
Is the information, PDF or ODT, available anywhere else?