Animated Gif no open in libreoffice Impress

Hello, when insert Animated gif in Libreoffice Impress, it appear in blank and white, animated gif no working in Libreoffice Impress.

Hi @kabbalah,

Per LO’s Online Help (see Question here), Animated GIFs should work in LibreOffice.

If installing/running the latest release doesn’t seem to fix this problem, please file a bug and provide a list of steps that can reproduce your problem. The QA team will be happy to help you track down this issue!

Please post a link to any bugs you file in a comment below using the format “fdo#123456”.


Ok, thank, for me is impossible provide a list of steps that can reproduce my problem with animated gif in libreoffice Impress.

Only have to say it:

  1. Clikc Insertar
  2. Click Imagen - A partir de Archivo
  3. Se abre caja de dialogo, busco la imagen, la selecciono y click en open.

Then, the gif animated appear in Black and white in a form of blink.

Note: I have installed “Versión (ID de compilación: Arch Linux build-1)” in a Netbook lenovo Ideapad S10.

If, click Presentation, the gif animated equally appear in Black and white in a form of blink.

Definitely it no working.

@kabbalah – Those sound like great repro steps to me! :slight_smile:

Is it possible that it’s just this one GIF file? (could still be a bug in how LO handles the file!) Could you try a couple of different GIF files to see if they all fail in the same way?

Historically, gif were never a well supported format in Free Software due to patent terms, in my experience.

Tried six gif animated and all fail in the same way.

@kabbalah – If 6 GIFs are failing for you, then I think it’s definitely time to file a bug.

Thank you for your dedication to testing!

I also met this problem. I tried different steps and discovered the following: animated gif works fine if the subsequent frame is put on the previous one and not replaces it.