Animated GIFS don't work after HTML export, work arounds?

I have animated GIFs in my Impress document.

The animations are lost when exporting to HTML. (Yes, even if I specify “GIF” in the HTML Export “Save graphics as”.)

Curiously GIF animations are shown fine on screen in LO 4.0, even in editing mode (more than Powerpoint manages…).

How do I circumvent this problem? The conversion is otherwise pretty good but this is a “show stopper” literally!!!

@oweng: thanks, I tried XHTML as you suggested but it looses formatting and does not provide a slide viewer experience. @sbloom85: yeah, I could fiddle with the produced HTML. Probably I should just bite the bullet and work directly in html/ jquery framework.

Yeah, this is true (about the format) they are different approaches to presenting the content. That is the best solution I can think of though short of scripting something (as you indicate).

It sounds to me like you are using the “HTML Document (Impress)” file format when exporting. This method exports each entire slide as a graphic, thus any animations are going to be lost. The “XHTML” file format simply exports a webpage with the slide objects embedded as-is i.e., any animations are maintained.

In order to obtain the type of behaviour you require, you are probably going to need to file an enhancement request. Please provide as much information as possible. Don’t forget to mark your bug as an ‘enhancement’. The QA team will be happy to help you triage your feature request in the bugtracker.

Please post a link to any bugs you file in a comment below using the format “fdo#123456”.


I have done a try with a sample gif, exporting as XHML as Oweng have explain, and seems works. (Menu/File/Export - select type XHTML).

LibreOffice Version;O=D

Use your operating system’s text editor (HTML knowledge required) or go with an open source WYSIWYG web editor.

So, the answer is that there is really no way of circumventing this problem without editing the produced HTML code – way above normal user skill level. I should file it as a bug report I guess.

I have updated my answer to include enhancement request information. I think this is likely the only way. Embedding an animated GIF within another graphic would seem to be the functionality you require. I imagine this would be done by: a) resizing the canvas of the animated GIF; b) placing a copy of the surrounding slide content on each frame of the newly expanded GIF (how to do this?); c) re-save the newly expanded GIF as the animated thumbnail slide image.