I have a query where I enter a starting date, then an ending date. All my date formats are in the mm/dd/yyyy format but when i run my query the dialog box demands a mm/dd/yyyy format. (the language settings for libreoffice are also in the d/m/y format).
How can I set the dialog to accept dd/mm/yyyy?
Edit 2019-06-06 (by @Ratslinger) copied from not an answer answer:
Sorry bout the missing info… I am on Libreoffice I’ll try to make it clearer. I am preparing a database to accept reservations. I built a query where, when run, I am prompted for a starting date and an ending date (a report is generated with all the info in between those two dates. In every place I can imagine I have set my date formats to DD/MM/YYYY, however when I am prompted to enter the starting and ending dates when I run the query it wants the date in the MM/DD/YYYY format. In design view ( for my query) I use > :Earliest for my earliest date and < :Finalle for my ending date.
Ende edit.