aNy suggestions on how I can replace column numbers with letters

I keep having to refer to a list I have made converting the numbers in the column bar with letters is there a way to modify the column bar to letters in calc sheets

By default the columns are labelled from A through AMJ. Did you change the setting insofar?
The row headers (1 through 1048576) cannot be changed to a different representation.

This question of how to change the column labels from numbers to letters doesn’t seem to answer the question. But, I have the same question. Lupp asks if the settings were changed, then states that they can’t be changed. I offer this input: I just switched from WPS office to Libre and the columns in sheets built in WPS and now opened in Libre are, indeed, labeled with numbers, not letters. Giant pain and maybe something someone at Libre could take a look at if they want to help solve the issue.

Please read my post again and don’t spread nonsense about what I stated.
If so called “R1C1” addressing is set for your LibreOffice or used by a file you loaded, you can change it to “A1” addressing. Once loaded every calc document is represented internally the same way. And: There never was an option to refer to rows by letters.
I never claimed to know anything about wps-spreadsheets.

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Menu → Tools → Options → LibreOffice Calc → Formula

Under Formula Options, In Formula Syntax: Select “Excel A1” from the dropdown menu and click [Apply].

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  • But, you still haven’t answered the original question. You take the easy way out and tell us we can change it. But you don’t come down to our level to tell the lowly user how?? “You can change it to A1…”., doesn’t contain any directions at all. Also, read my post and notice I didn’t say you claimed to know WPS at all. I was telling the community that, unlike your response, I had something that at least tried to give them an idea of what they can check. Your answer just said it couldn’t be changed. If you actually gave a helpful response, it’s not apparent. I will rephrase my question now that you have cleared up that our problem is not libre’s problem and that you think “you can change it” is a complete answer. Will you please tell me how to “change it to “A1” addressing”. Giving me a little help would be a great way to close the thread. Maybe the answer is in the thread but I may not be sharp enough to see it. I accept that I may be wrong but the quality of your original response is poor. Please help!

What part of @Gbp comment didn’t you understand? Personally, I would choose CalcA1

If you see

but want

then see the comment above from @EarnestAl

I responded to an email and didn’t see
Gbp’s response. Thanks a lot. I appreciate the help.