Application colors missing in LO 6.0.1

In a previous installation of LibreOffice 6.0, I was able to apply application colors (via Tools>Options>Application Colors) that I don’t see now. For example, I used a color called Pink 8. There were other pastel colors as well, with similar names. In the drop-down menu, I don’t see a palette with the colors I am looking for.

The Standard palette in LO 5.4 (which contains Pink 8) has different colors than the Standard palette for 6.0. Here is what the LO palette looks like, at least for me:

image description

As you can see, it has a scrollbar on the right, which the 6.0.1 version does not.

Has the color selection changed or can I do something to have access to those colors again?


I personally have not found Pink 8 in the Standard palette in LO v

Ran across a probable answer while surfing. While not digging to much into the specifics, it seems the Standard palette was changed in v5.3 - Change of color palettes. This seems to be implemented based on Bug #87538.

Also it appears there may be more changes coming - Bug #11479.

Edit 2/18/18:

Appears there are differences and have no immediate answer. As I currently do not have v6.01 installed for personal reasons, here is what I have from dev v6.1 (on Linux Mint 18.3):

and current v5.4.3.2:

As you can see there is no scrollbar. Also these are TDF versions.


I just added a screenshot of the 5.4 Standard palette that I see and that I have seen in 6.0 (but not now). It sounds like this is not what you see.

Seems mysterious.

Not sure what you mean by TDF versions. That they have not been imported? Just trying to understand.

The Document Foundation. That is, from the LO download page and not from PPA or distro. Three different methods of obtaining within Linux.

OK. That’s what I thought you meant but always trying to learn.

There have been some changes to the color scheme. But my 6.0.1 color picker has the scrollbar, and the Standard collection has Pink 8. I’m in Linux.

image description

Any idea why this would happen? I’m using Windows 10.

No, but worst case, you could copy the colors to your own Custom palette.

What would be the easiest way to do that?

If it can’t be done internally, use a color picker to record the hues. Then create them in your custom palette.