Apply conditional formatting to other cells if another cell meets condition/criteria

Hi, linux newbie here.

Looking to apply conditional formatting to 3 cells (next to each other / on the same row, neighbour columns) if conditional formatting condition applies to the first cell (left column cell).

So once again, I start with empty cells A1:C1
and I want so that: if condition applies in A1, then change background color of all 3 cells (same color, it’s fine).

I was thinking as a workaround to a direct solution that I could use “not duplicate” so I set:

  • condition 1: for A1 change color to GREEN if text equal to RANDOM
  • condition 2: for B1:C1 cells to change color to GREEN if NOT duplicate

the above does not work because I have 2 empty cells (B1:C1) that I want to reflect A1
And I want this applied to the whole spreadsheet so WHOLE COLUMNS A:C, I would need to find a way to apply in groups per row like A1:C1 then again for A2:C2 then another for A3:C3 so on

So basically I have a kind of financial spreadsheet and I don’t want to merge all 3 cells per row. I want 3 separate cells where A1 dictates the background color of all 3 (A1:C1) but B1:C1 remain empty unless I manually write to them

Are you talking about something like this?


hi JohnSUN, thanks a lot for replying;

I want that but its not quite working for me, here’s what I got:

so Im looking to apply the conditioning if the first cells “string” text “begins with” random, but colouring should apply to ALL 3 cells in that ROW.

Instead its being applied to each cell.

Not Condition - Cell value is, but Condition - Formula is LEFT(UPPER(TRIM($A1));6)="RANDOM" or simple LEFT($A1;6)="random" :wink:

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