Arrow keys scroll through calc

I have this problem after I installed Manjaro that using arrow keys in calc does not move between cells, only scroll in the direction of the arrow. My ScrLk key is disabled, I have checked keyboard advanced hardware settings (ScrLk is not checked). Changing language input does not change behavior. I tried terminal command to activate scroll lock (which seems to work in Ubuntu) but nothing happened.

I have tried few links here, such as:

So little help which does not include ScrLk key but actual result for me :slight_smile:

Did a mistake in the early post and had community wiki checked. I have deleted that post and am trying again.


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I just had this happen with no warning on Windows 10. It affected multiple Calc files and would not go away. Nothing was on help about this problem.

The problem went away when I restarted Windows. Still no idea what caused it or why restarting Windows fixed it.

I just tried the Scroll Lock key and it caused this change and reversed it on a second press. I don’t remember having my fingers anywhere near that key. Either I pressed it by accident or some bug in some program I was running at the time internally “pressed” it, and restarting restored the default setting.

Can’t you just enable the Scroll Lock key and then press it? Or do you have a particular reason for having disabled Scroll Lock? If your keyboard doesn’t have a Scroll Lock key, perhaps you can map it to another key?

So my Scroll Lock key doesn’t work. There is not input registered if I hit it. Maybe it s because my particular keyboard isn’t supported by Linux.
So far I have resolved this issue by going back one kernel. So IF I go to kernel 414 the scrolling starts, staying at kernel 413 resolves this issue.

Ok, so I guess your question is more about scroll lock not working. You can map another key to act as Scroll Lock. For example, to have Insert act as Scroll Lock, run this in your terminal:

xmodmap -e "keycode 118 = Pause"

If you want to use some other key than Insert, run xev and type a key to see its keycode.

As @AllanRichardson updated this thread with a (unrelated) comment for Win10 I will also add a hint to some Manjaro-settings to activate scroll-lock

Add the following line in the xkb_symbols "basic" { section. do not worry if that second line is not there, it is only there for some languages and was not there for us on my system.

    modifier_map Mod3   { Scroll_Lock }; <==<< Add this line

    include "level3(ralt_switch)" <==<< before this line

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