I fail to see how that’s an argument against any particular solution; retitling and editing is a no brainer both here as well as on the wiki.
Sure, didn’t mean to import verbatim…
Not sure what do you mean here? Wiki pages and Discourse topics are both accessible directly by their respective URLs, and these URLs can be linked in the FAQ, any other topics, the footer, wherever. One does not exclude the other. In addition though, pinned Discourse topics will show up at the top of the list until read/unlisted; internal links can be automatically prettified and scored; and consolidating links within a single site means more visibility in terms of SEO.
FWIW AskBot sent very few people to that wiki page: during the week-preceeding the migration I count only 7 requests… The reality is probably a bit higher since not everyone sends the referrer across origins, but even when counting all requests minus the ones that are obviously bots I count only 20 under the same period; and most of these originate from individual Askbot questions such as Inkscape and Libreoffice. Not saying moving it elsewhere will magically raise awareness, but there is room for improvement 
That’s true, but I’m not sure how important that is in that context — Cc’ing @sophi for her advice. AFAIK folks on the localized sites/categories have different workflow and etiquette, not everything has to be aligned to English.
I guess opinions diverge about it even among prominent Askbot users, see for instance Guidelines for asking
I’m not really an AskLibO user myself, but noticed that there is already a lot of content here that’s not suitable for a QnA workflow, starting with this very topic or #meta in general. Unlike before we can now disable QnA for particular categories and/or tags for a typical forum-like experience. We can also auto-delete replies and auto-close topics after a configurable period. And pin topics to bring them to users’ attention and increase visibility.