LO, PSQL 9.5., OS Win7
I have a PostgreSQL database and I am trying to setup a LibreBase front end. I am getting an error when I try to add an address relation to a form entry in my wotbl. The wotbl stores work order information part of the information is an address, but some work orders need to be linked to 2 addresses so I have a listbox drop down setup and an associative table relationship to produce a many to many join (Just like the movies genre example video that I did get working thanks for the help). So the associative table is jtbl_cwo (UNIQUE_ID, woid) where UNIQUE_ID is the address list pk (civictbl) and woid is the work order pk (wotbl); together they are the Composite PK for jtbl_cwo.
So the setup worked in HSQL but to setup in postgre I needed to include the joins in the SQL statement for the form,
(SELECT “civictbl”.“ADDRESS” FROM “wotracking”.“jtbl_cwo” “jtbl_cwo” FULL OUTER JOIN “wotracking”.“wotbl” “wotbl” ON “jtbl_cwo”.“woid” = “wotbl”.“woid” FULL OUTER JOIN “wotracking”.“civictbl” “civictbl” ON “jtbl_cwo”.“unique_id” = “civictbl”."unique_id)
I get a drop down but when I try to apply the selection I get a postgre error;
pq_driver: [PGRES_FATAL_ERROR: insert or update on table “jtbl_cwo” violates foreign key constraint “jtbl_cwo_unique_id_fkey” DETAIL: Key (unique_id)=(0) is not present in table “civictbl”. (caused by statement 'UPDATE “wotracking”.jtbl_cwo" SET “unique_id” = ‘0’ WHERE “unique_id” = ‘5002084’ AND “woid” = 'BB306-16")
It seems to me that it is trying to set the unique_id in the jtbl_cwo to 0 when it should be set to 5002084 but I cannot find where in either the Libre SQL statement or in PostgreSQL how to use the unique_id from the civictbl. I have auto assign and auto increment off I believe.
Do I need to build a trigger in PostgreSQL?
Sorry if I am not clear I do not know all the lingo very well I am not a programmer by trade; I am familiar with databases and their design but by no means am I an expert on these things.
Thanks hope someone can help;