I am a newbie to LibreOffice, I have no coding experience, so I need a lot of help.
I have a LibreOffice (v7.2.7.2) Database for a cemetery I volunteer for. The database will be populated with about 6700 records. The majority of the records will have 1 or 2 images. There will be two fields, one for each type of image (one is called “Headstone”, the other is called “Lot Card”.
The actual records will be imported via a csv file. Headstones and Lot Cards are in their respective folders. The database and these folders are all in one location.
Not every record will have an image. They can have a headstone photo only, a lot card only, both, or neither.
Can someone please help me with coding to automatically insert the two different images into LibreOffice Base? I would be forever grateful. Thanks.