I have a file that LibreOffice (LO) shows in a list to be recovered, but then it does not recover it. W11 had an upgrade and LO got shutdown. Now I have auto save running so the file should be there.
And in using search, I found it on my file server where it should be (file server is a Debian variant).
So I go find it, and have W11 open it in LO and there it all is.
However, with each restart of LO, it brings up auto recovery and shows this file as being unrecoverable. It does not do that with/to other files that are on my File Server.
It does find .odt and/or .docx. Just not this file.
And it is not in a loop restarting and auto-recovery, etc.
What I am interested in, is what diagnostics do I need to run to help find this. I’ve never had this problem in the last several years running SuSE Leap xx and LO. But I’ve had to move over to W11 because certain software I have to use crashes KDE somehow and I had to reboot to get “display management” back. Specifically the Linux version of M/S Teams. So I’m stuck with having to use W11 for certain work related tasks. This is how I got into this particular file being findable by search in W11 File manager, but LO can’t seem to find it.
If you need more info/data, let me know.