Autocorrect Emojis are not available in English (UK)

I am asking about Writer version running in Windows 10 32-bit, in English, UK

The release notes for show that Autocorrect emojis are available in many languages including English UK. However, on the Autocorrect Replace tag they are available in the language “English OED Spelling (UK)”, but not in English (UK).

When I use Format | Character to set my language, there is no mention of “English OED Spelling (UK)”. The closest is “English (UK)” and this has no Emojis.

Please advise.

Have you downloaded the English language pack? I had problems with English UK which lead me to discover that out-of-the shelf LO went with only English US until you download the English language pack.

I can confirm that it’s STILL happening in 5.2.12 En GB with English GB language pack definitely downloaded.