Autocorrect turning dumb quotes into a pair of smart quotes

Windows 11
Libreoffice Version

I’m formatting a manuscript and noted that it’s got a mixture of smart and dumb quotes from being edited in a few different apps. I browsed the forums and found how people use autocorrect options to turn dumb quotes to smart ones. Whenever I do this for a section of text, it seems to work incorrectly and also turn some of the dumb quotes into a set (closed, then open) of smart quotes. I’m not entirely sure what’s causing this and I was unable to find another instance on the forum. Sorry if this has been covered already. See attached images for before and after autocorrect changes.

Why would AutoCorrect turn the typographical quotes to face a space? Maybe the space is not a standard space but something else, such as an N space, U+2002.

Try find and replace, turn on Regular expressions to Find \s and replace with a normal space from the keyboard. Note this will remove intentionally placed special spaces such as non-breaking spaces