automatic-filter and standard-filter usability

Hi, I’m using LibreOffice version and I think that the relationship between automatic and standard filter in Calc is strange.
When I activate AutoFilter (by clicking Data - Filter – AutoFilter), combo box arrows becomes visible in the first row of the selected range of cells and I can run the filter by clicking on one of those and choosing the items that I want to display from the list. As explained in Help page, only those rows whose contents meet the filter criteria are displayed on the sheet.
But the drop-down arrow in the column heading shows more than the items list: if I choose “Standard”, the Standard Filter dialogue window appears, allowing me to set up a filter with the help of comparison operators like “cell value is equal to this” or “cell contains this string”.
Automatic and Standard filters work properly, but they don’t combine their results and I think they should: if I activate AutoFilter and then choose Standard one to set up a filter like “cells beginning with z”, the AutoFilter is still active, but it shows all the items of the list and besides they are all checked. I think that the items in the list should be checked in relation with the standard filter previously setted up and I also think that in the AutoFilter box a search field to filter the item list on the fly would be useful.
Thanks for your great work