Automatic Update of Links to External Data

Trying to link value in one file to another file. When “pasting special” and option to do this “automatic” is greyed and not available? Tx

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if you mean Edit -> Link to External Files -> Update: [o] Automatic is greyed then this is not the correct setting for Automatic update (this option applies to DDE connections only). To setup automatic update you need to:

  • Set Tools -> Options -> LibreOffice Calc -> General -> Option: Update links when opening: [o] Always (from trusted locations)

  • To set trusted locations: Use Tools -> Options -> LibreOffice -> Security -> Button: Macro Security -> Tab: Trusted Sources -> Category: Trusted File Locations -> Button: Add to add the directory of your file(s) which you want to trust to automatically update external links.

Important: You must not select the path of the file containing the source data, but the path of the file linking to external data. In fact you define a trust relation of LibreOffice as an application to the file, which is loading external data.

If you want automatic update at some frequency (let’s say all 10 minutes = 600 seconds) you could do that using Edit -> Links to External Files… -> Modify -> [x] Update every -> 600

Hope that helps.

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great description of how it is supposed to work. Did you have a change to verify this is working, though? I have a sheet that imports a CSV as external data and everything is set as you say above and it STILL disables the import and shows the popup. I think it is broken in at least some cases, so possibly also for the OP’s case?

Thanks for the reply. No luck so far. Am trying to get a number from one sheet to link to another sheet. Both sheets are on my computer and both made with libreoffice. I copy the original number on sheet 1 and “paste special”, then “link” on sheet 2. Number is pasted ok but when I change the number on sheet 1 it does not update sheet 2. If I save and close sheet 2 and then reopen sheet 2, the modified number is brought over.
Have the option highlighted from General re "Always (from trusted locations).
Have the “Trusted File Locations” box with “D:|Libre Office” added.

I get the impression I am doing this all wrong as I am not trying to import and update data from external sources but from another libre office file.