With your help I had successfully created a macro that in LibreWriter went to the last point where the cursor was at the end.
After upgrading from Kubuntu 17.04 to Kubuntu 17.10, with the new version of LibreOffice I get an error message, not in Writer, not in Calc, but in Base:
"BASIC runtime error. Property or method not found: supportsService"
and is highlighted the line
“If NOT thisComponent.supportsService (” com.sun.star.text.TextDocument “) Then”
Apparently supportsService
is no more recognized in LibreBase (or, better, in Basic: I don’t know!).
I refer to the whole macro:
sub vai_qui If NOT ThisComponent.supportsService ("com.sun.star.text.TextDocument") Then Exit Sub End If oBookmarks = ThisComponent.getBookmarks () If NOT oBookmarks.hasByName ("here") Then Exit Sub End If ViewCursor = ThisComponent.CurrentController.getviewCursor () Bookmark = ThisComponent.Bookmarks.getByName ("here") .Anchor ViewCursor.gotorange (Bookmark, False) ViewCursor = ThisComponent.CurrentController.getviewCursor () Bookmark = ThisComponent.Bookmarks.getByName ("here") .Anchor ViewCursor.gotorange (Bookmark, False) end sub
Could someone help me to avoid the base error message?
Thank you