Avoiding that Libreoffice affects specific file formats like .stw

Hello all,

i want to install libreoffice .msi in a company enviroment, but in this one i can not install Libreoffice normally, because it would automatically as Default affect .stw files.

Is it possible to modify the .msi file via a Transform to tell it to NOT touch .stw file and NOT offer it for Libreoffice?

Please reword your question to clarify your goal. In which way does LO affect your .stw templates?

stw/sdw is an old and deprecated format for text templates and documents. It has been replaced by ODF (.ott and .odt files) and you’ll be better off to convert (and check) your ols templates to the current format.
What do you mean by “not touching .stw file” and “not offering it for LO” (offering what?)? What do you want to prevent your users from doing?

sorry for bad phrasing.
The customers on the company where i want to roll out LibreOffice still use “SmartTerm”. This program is still using .stw as main file types (all projects and files of SmartTerm still use .stw).
When you install Libreoffice without any modifications, LibreOffice offers itself as file program to be used to open .stw files.

This is confusing the users and they accidentally just click ok and from that moment, all .stw files open via LIbreoffice and not anymore with Smartterm.

What i want to achieve is to install Libreoffice, but i has no affect on any .stw files and it doesnt offer itself to be opened via .stw.

Hope this helps!

Assign files to LibreOffice

The way to do it the other way round, the assignment to “SmartTerm” is similar.

i know this already, but sadly this is not helpful, since this is manual step and i cant tell over 300 users to do this.
Thats why i wanna avoid this at all by telling Libreoffice to not register the .stw file ending.
Is this not possible?!

Then you should know that the assignment is made via the operating system and not via the program.

? Wrong.
Libreoffice decides which file types it should be offered. .stw is one of them.

You can create such a MST, and drop all entries there in Registry table, where Root is 0 and Key is starting with .stw.
Ideally, we need to drop that association - you can file a bug report.

Hey, i was slowly going in to that area too, but i was not confident enough to find out which Registry Keys to actually remove.

Mind looking this for me (or even providing a .mst file, that would generous).
I will look into this again right now too, thanks!

mo_stw.mst.odt (20 KB)
Drop .odt from the filename made to please the site engine.

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Ah, I failed to see this requirement. My MST above doesn’t do this (by the way, make sure you check and fully understand what an MST, provided for you by a random Internet person (like myself), contains - these files are just as dangerous as a random MSI, because they can arbitrarily change the MSI, up to installing something completely different, or doing some actions during installation like sending data to Internet).

Let me see what needs added to meet that other requirement.

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Hey, not needed

I just checked your .mst, and it wasnt working.
Then i sniffed your mst to see what u removed. I got Orca and then doublechecked on my own and i found out a few more registry values related .stw. I made a new .mst and BOOM, it worked!

transform_stw_v2.mst.odt (20 KB)
Thanks for the help, but it would cool if this can be done easier in the future :smiley:

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