I just upgraded from Version 5.3.6 to 6.0.7, and in the process, the x and y axes of one of my charts got screwed up, and I’d appreciate help fixing it.
Previously, the Y axis was manually set to range from -2% to + 24%, which was what I needed to display the data ranges. All of the source data is in X.XX% format, and the chart displays 5 different ranges as lines. The x axis was set up as a text source data, with the labels being text representing workdays during the month (excluding weekends, so the text string for the first part of February runs 2/1. 2/4, 2/5, 2/6, 2/7, 2/8, 2/11. . . . . .)
In the new version, both axes are bolluxed.
The Y axis is displaying .0%, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 …9.0 – no percent signs, no 2nd digit to the right of the decimal point and, most peculiarly, not displaying anything above 9.0. The top half of the scale has no labels at all
The X axis is truncating the labels – 2/1 through 2/8 are ok, but everything from 2/11 through 2/19 is displayed as only “2/1”, and everything from 2/20 - 2/28 is displayed as only “2/2”.
I’ve tried changing font sizes, number formats, scaling, and nothing seems to get me back to where I was in the prior version.
Any thoughts, suggestions or insights would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you all.