Using LO downloaded from the LO website on Linux Mint 19.3, using an external Firebird database.
Data entered in Base forms is not saved by autosave, so all new data are lost when LO crashes (data are not retrieved by restore).
Also, the keyboard shortcut ctrl-S and the menu-item “Save” in the File-menu don’t save data on the form. When I enter data in a form and press ctrl-S, or select SAVE from the File-menu and then close the form, base pops up a dialog asking me if I want to save the new data. If I close the form without clicking the save-button on the dialog, the data are indeed gone.
I can only save data by:
- adding a save-button to the form and clicking that button
- closing the form and clicking the save-button on the dialog that base pops up to ask me if I want to save the data.
How can I make ctrl-S work? How can I make autosave save newly entered data?