I’m trying to locate LO’s autobackup, to make sure that it actually makes a backup.
From other questions in this forum I understand that autobackups have cryptic names with extension .tmp, and that LO saves autobackups in the “Backups” directory specified in tools > options > LibreOffice > paths. I didn’t change any of those paths, so the backups should be in /home/myusername/.config/libreoffice/4/user/backup.
I have set LO to take a backup every 2 minutes (tools > options > load/save > general), and on the same panel I checked “Always create a backup copy”.
Despite these settings, I do not have a “/home/myusername/.config/libreoffice/4/user/backup” directory, and I can’t find any *.tmp files anywhere in my home drive. I do note however that when I monitor /home/user/.config/libreoffice/4/user/ in my file manager (double commander), the directory flickers every 2 minutes and it looks as if a file or directory is made and immediately deleted, but this happens so fast that I can’t see what is actually happening.
Given my settings,
- Am I wrong in expecting there to be a “backup” directory in /home/myusername/.config/libreoffice/4/user/ ?
- Am I wrong in expecting the backup.tmp files to be in that directory?
If yes, why would they not be there?
If not, where should the backups be?
Using LO in Linux Mint 18.3 mate