Base file compatibility on Mac OS and Windows

I had created some Base .odb files using Windows and tried to use these files on Mac OS. It appears that they are not compatible. Is there a way to have files be usable under both Windows and Mac OS

Could you explain with more detail what are the issues?. What are you LibreOffice version?. Are you using a Java 32 bits on both systems, and with it selected in LibreOffice?

Could be related: Tables missing when copy odb from mac to ubuntu?

Hi @ProfBartonB,

Files created by LO should be compatible cross-platform. If you have a file created by LO that is not working in LO on another platform, please file a bug about this problem, attach the guilty file, and provide a list of steps that can reproduce the problem. The QA team will be happy to help you track down this issue!

Please post a link to any bugs you file in a comment below using the format “fdo#123456”.
