Created and tested a macro in Base. Running the macro prompts the user to input a value and then based on that value runs a set of SQL statements and writes a file to the system folder structure. This all works when I run the macro directly from the macro editor.
I then added a button to the main form I’m using, and assigned the macro to the Execute method of the button. I then exit design mode, open the form, and can roll thru records and do whatever I what with the basic form. But, when I push the button that has the macro assigned to it nothing happens. I don’t get an impute prompt and the SQL statements don’t run and the external export file is not created.
Are there restrictions on using input prompts from a button macro? Do I need to assign the macro to a different method on the button? I’m using a MacBook so does the touch pad click on the button work differently than if I was using a real mouse?
Here’s the Macro…
REM ***** Extracts members who still get the Mailing *****
Sub CreateMailList
REM If the target file exists delete it before continuing
REM or you will concatinate the data making a larger file
sUrl = ThisComponent.getURL()
sParts = Split(sUrl, "/")
ReDim Preserve sParts(0 to UBound(sParts) - 1)
CurrentFolder = Join(sParts, "/")
sFile = CurrentFolder & "/Mail.csv"
If FileExists(sFile) Then
End If
REM Get the cut off date
InputVal = InputBox("Enter Cut Off Date (YYYY/MM):", "Mailing Cutoff", "2020/10")
Dim oStatement As Object
REM Connect to Local DB
if IsNull(ThisDatabaseDocument.CurrentController.ActiveConnection) then
oStatement = ThisDatabaseDocument.CurrentController.ActiveConnection.createStatement()
REM Define the temporary text export table
strSQL="create text table ""Mail""" &_
"(""LastName"" varchar(20), ""FirstName"" varchar(20), ""Address"" varchar(40), " &_
"""City"" varchar(20), ""State"" varchar(20), ""Zip5"" varchar(5), ""Zip4"" varchar(4));"
REM Map it to the external CSV file
strSQL ="set table ""Mail"" source ""Mail.csv;encoding=UTF-8"";"
REM Extract the target data and put it in the external file
strSQL ="insert into ""Mail"" SELECT ""FirstName"", ""LastName"", " &_
"""Address"", ""City"", ""State"", ""Zip5"", ""Zip4"" " &_
"FROM ""Members"" WHERE (""MailThru"" >= '" &_
InputVal &_
"' ) " &_
"ORDER BY ""Zip5"", ""Zip4"";"
REM Delete the temporary text export table
strSQL ="drop table ""Mail"";"
MsgBox("Mailing File Was Created...")
End Sub