Base: LO 6.1 unable to get sub-form to work

After the upgrade to LO6.1, and the conversion to firebird DB, I am unable to get the sub-form data to work.

The error returned is:
firebird_sdbc error:
*Dynamic SQL Error
*SQL error code = -206
*Column unknown
*At line 1, column 140
caused by

Please look at bugzilla:
This is very likely a bug.


This is definitely a Bug but it can be repaired. See Bug #117053. Solution can be found in comment #15 and comment #11.

Yup, used Bug #117053 comment #11
NB Am using Version: (x64), bug is not clear about which release it is fixed in

@grt Please do not respond to answer with an Answer - use a comment instead.

There is no fix scheduled as of yet since none was mentioned. It would state the release if there were one.