Base n:m many to many relationships between two tables using intermediate table, how to enter, display & modify the data using forms?

Okay, I see it working now. But I don’t see how you did it… When I “edit” the ItemsModified form, I can bring up the Properties of the Navigation Bar, nothing to see there. When I bring up the Properties of the Table Control I don’t see anything there either…???

Sorry, should have mentioned in answer. This is how you typically use a sub form (see LO docs for more info if needed). You limit what is seen in a sub form by linking it to the main form. This limits records in the sub form to what is associated with it in the main form. Look at the sub form properties on the Data tab under Link master/slave fields items.

In this manner you can go even further with sub sub forms, sub sub sub forms etc.

My newbie-ism has me in a fog, I’m not understanding…

Okay, found the sub-form properties.

@Inkblotr Just looked at the existing macro in your sample. I started with type this of code (from docs if I remember correctly) years ago. Use of ‘Tags’ can become a problem when many forms are involved. You may want to look at the sample code in my answer on this post → Base ERROR - Open Form with macro.