Base (postgresql): pq_driver: server closed the connection unexpectedly


Is there a way to make Base reconnect automatically to a postgresql database when it is reused after the server close the connection?

Currently, when I re-execute a query in that case, I get the following error:

pq_driver: server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request. […]

The only way I can do my query is by closing Base and opening the odb file again.

I have seen this question that seems related by for MySQL and it does not seem to work: adding the autoReconnect=true query in the URL gives an error:

Error in database URL ‘sdbc:postgresql:postgresql://serverAddress/dbName?autoReconnect=true’:
invalid URI query parameter: “autoReconnect”

Is there a way to enable automatic reconnection for postgresql?
