I am having several problems with the migration of my Medical Access database to Base. I think I have migrated the 3 tables from Access to Base, but I am having a problem replicating my queries and reports.
Parameter Query
In Access, I created a query using the following criteria to pull data from the tables based on a user entered selection prompt. I am selecting on the ClaimNum data field.
Like [Enter ClaimNum] & “*”
When I run the Access query, a dialog box appears and I can enter the data. Examples, 1701, 1710A, or using wildcards, 17*. The “17*” entry will pull all of the records beginning with “17”.
In Base, I have not been able to duplicate the wildcard functionality. The ClaimNum data field is VARCHAR length 100, and I also tried VARCHAR_IGNORECASE.
In Base, I entered the following criteria in the ClaimNum data column.
LIKE EnterClaimNum
When I run the query, I get the parameter prompt “EnterClaimNum” and I can enter the selection data. However, this only works if I enter the complete data string. Examples, 1701, or 1710A. The wildcard entry return an empty query. I tried 17*, 17%, 17_, with and without enclosed “ “.
I am using LibreOffice v5.4.5.1 and Java 1.8.0_151 on an XP operating system which I want to migrated to a newer system.
The new system is a dual boot system.
Linux Mint 17.2, LibreOffice v5.4.5.1 and Java 1.7.0_151
Win 7 Pro, LibreOffice v5.4.5.1 and Java 1.8.0_161
The problem occurs on the XP system and both new system configurations.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.