OS 10.15.2
Libre Office
See File: J.D. Wetherspoons.odb
in “Z_Test_Single_Qry” I have selected 4 fields 3 different tables, there is a 4th table but I am not using any fields from it. I want base to count the unique visit dates for each Pub_Name, then count total drinks purchased from that visit date as there might be more than 1 receipt per visit, then finally I want to sum the value per visit.
The problem is when I add all the tables the count on visit date is counting the total line per visit, ie if 2 drinks were bought in the same visit it is returning 2 as the answer when it should be 1.
I have managed to do 2 seperate queries “z_Test_Multiple_1” & “z_Test_Multiple_2” which does the count for visit date correct and drink count and sum correct respectively. but when I try and link these together in a third query using Pub name as a link I get a syntax error and I cannot even save the 3rd query
I need all on the fields counting/summing correctly to use in a report