Hello, may I please request some assistance with a repeating drop down menu in a subform?
I have a bit of experience with Access and Filemaker Pro, but I’m new to Base. It’s a bit confusing.
I’m creating a movie collection database. But I’m going to need three subforms: One for Genre, one for Actors, and one for Location.
(Location = where the movie is located on my shelves.)
I’d like to deal just with Genre right now, because once I learn how to set it up as a repeating drop down menu, I should be able to do the same with the other two subforms.
So, I’ve created a many-to-many relationship database. (Many movies have more than one Genre, which is why I made it M-to-M.)
The Movie table contains the fields MoviePK and Title. (I prefer to name my primary key and foreign key fields with PK and FK. It helps me keep track of what’s what, because I’m not really an experienced database designer.)
Is it possible for me to ask you to take a quick look at the database’s relationships, and see if I linked everything up properly? I think I did, but with Base, I’m not 100% sure yet.
Moving on to the subform:
Creating the subform is a bit confusing to me. I’m not sure which table to base the subform on. With FileMaker, I can select fields in multiple tables. I can create repeating drop down menus quickly and easily. Adjusting to Base is a bit more work.
Do I use the Join table or the Genre table to create the subform? I experimented with the Genre table, but the master and slave fields have me a bit confused. I selected MoviePK for the master field and GenrePK for the slave. I am sure that’s wrong.
If anyone is willing to give me a nudge in the right direction, and help me select the tables, fields, and linkage, that would be great.
I have read documentation and watched a few videos, but the only one I found on repeating drop down menus is considerably old and has no narration.
I’d be very, sincerely grateful for any assistance. Thank you very much. J. Danniel