In made a database which (simplified), contains a main table A. Other tables, say B, C, and D contain data and are related 1-∞ to A, by means of a simple foreign key.
The structure of B,C and D is not homogeneous and do contain different fields.
Users may choose to add 0, 1, or many records in table B. The same is true for C and D, and the number of entries in B, C and D need not be equal.
Now, I want to prepare a report based on a selection of records in table A. The report should sum
- heading
selected record in A
- detail
-all related records in B
-all related records in C
-all related records in D
As far as I am aware, Base reports are based on a single table or view. I made a table (using outer joins) that contains all information in tables A-D. This is of course a very ugly table, as is contains many empty cells. I have not found a way to make a nice report out of this table.
Could anyone help me with a solution or workaround?
Regards, jvdw