Base report problem: The document "..." could not be opened

I am new to LibreOffice Base and I am trying to create a database in LibreOffice Base with some simple reports. I thought I had configured everything correctly with the help of some online tutorials, but the report will not open. I get an error message: ‘The document “Query_Vakdidactiek” could not be opened.’, with a long list of details of which the first two lines read:

The query “Query_Vakididactiek” (sorry for the strange language, it is in Dutch) works fine. It returns three records, as expected.

I have re-installed java and re-installed LibreOffice, but unfortunately to no avail. I am currently using these versions: LibreOffice on macos Catalina 10.15.7 with java version 8 update 271 (which is up to date according to oracle).

Does someone have any tips how to solve this problem and get the reports working? Thanks in advance!


Sounds like a Java problem. Mac needs JDK and there are some issues with that. Please see answer in this post → Can’t Create Database.