Base - use of SDBC Firebird File


I’m not really in a problem solving, but while testing LO Base possibilities, was wondering what are exactly the differences between the Firebird options.
As I understand, there are 3 options to work with Firebird in LO Base:

  1. embedded: this is what I know, and for which I did not get problem, although my experience with LO Base is still poor)
  2. connection to an existing database - option Firebird File: this is I understand to be the one with SDBC connection embedded in LO Base
  3. connection to an existing database - other connection: as I understand from other posts on this forum, the JDBC is the one doing well for Firebird; and this solution thus bases on an external Firebird file and server (server on the same machine or remote machine?).

My questions are mainly on the option 2 (SDBC Firebird File connection). Indeed, what is the advantage over the option 3?

I guess that there is the possibility to create one without having a standalone Firebird installation. But is this file easily accessible by a standalone Firebird installation is needed later or when sharing to someone else (on a different machine, even without LibreOffice)?

And how to deal with users and their rights? (eg. how to know the admin password for example)
Is it possible to work with that in multi-user?
By quickly trying, I could indeed create a Firebird File alongside an ODB file, and create tables, but when selecting ‘Tools’ > ’ User Administration…’, I see that two users are here: SYSDBA and PUBLIC. I can delete one, but create one doesn’t do anything, and I can not tick any of the fields (Read data, Insert data, etc.).

And so, briefly, for which use this configuration may be preferred to the other ones?

Thank you very much for any feedback!


And so, briefly, for which use this configuration may be preferred to the other ones?

That made me laugh. I guess 20 or so pages can be considered brief compared to a 1300 page document! Here is some information to dwell upon.

I consider the Firebird File (your Option 2) to be a modified Option 1. In Option 1 (embedded) the Firebird database is a backup file when Base is closed. So opening and closing Base will process the file to normal and backup condition. Others have found this split version helpful to be able to give clients new Base files containing new forms, reports or such without affecting or touching their data. With this process, have not tried much in the way of security. Have created a macro for portability.

Option 3 is the server and is not really any different than any other database server in general. You can have a local or remote server depending upon your needs. It is the most secure of the options and provided for centralized data. This means someone needs to maintain it.

Server and file allow easier use of some of the Firebird tools.

Some links:

Firebird → Documentation — 2.5 is latest released.

From server to embedded → Base: HSQLDB to Firebird migration for existing databases

Server connection → connect base to firebird(server) - how??

Portable file → How can I create a portable split embedded/local firebird database in the manner that is done with HSQLDB?

Hello @Ratslinger,
Once again, thanks a lot for taking time to answer to my question.
You’re right, “brief” is not a very precise word…! Indeed, I was not expecting such a 20 pages explanation, and the elements you’re providing are quite useful to give a first understanding.
I can now get a bit more why a Firebird File option may be preferred.

Actually, I had also in mind to understand if this option may be used for a small team without server possibilities but only a share cloud…
I’ll try now to get some more by trying and practicing.