What do Base users most need that is missing now?
Please answer below with your ordered list of new Base features you most need (features which don’t currently exist).
This is only to collect information, not to argue for your desired features, so please keep your answers simple and concise. Provide a good enough description that a developer could implement your need without too much further direction. For each item in your list, please provide a bold face title, followed by normal face text extended description. Small screen shots are ok if they help clearly illustrate your need.
And if someone has already spelled out your need, just say it’s also your need. Obviously this is not about voting, but rather about collecting your needs so more expert people can reasonably decide what to work on. You can also up-vote other’s answers to show support for their lists.
Prefix your list with something like: Novice, Intermediate, or Advanced user.
For example your answer might look like this:
Intermediate user.
1. Multiple columns in list and combo boxes with optional column titles. Combo and list boxes are often used to select foreign keys, meaning select records which are much more complex than just a simple key. The key might be 42, and the record might be all of the information related to a person’s address. It would be very helpful to allow a pull down which shows 2,3,4, or even 10 columns of information, rather than the current limit of 1. Yes, concat(x,’ ',y, …) can be used in the current pull down, but this is messy as it doesn’t allign x and y in it’s own columns.
For example say you want to select an accounting category the pull down list might look something like this
2. Foreign key pull downs in queries. Queries provide a natural place to want to simply edit tables. The problem is in editing foreign keys. The ability could be added to allow a pull down in the query for foreign keys to show the records refered to and to select the foreign key from the foreign key’s other related fields. For example the pull down might show Red, Blue, Green, and the result of the pull down selection woud be to stuff 4 related to Green in the table. Of course multiple columns as in item 1 above should be allowed here too.
Thanks for everyone’s cooperation and help!