I’m creating a database to match an existing Filemaker database. I followed the manual instructions: FileMaker exported a table to an XLS file, with the field names in the first row, which Base opened. I copied all the data. Pasting into the Tables area brought up the dialogue box for creating a new table, and I selected ‘Definition and data’, told LO to use the first line as column names, and allowed it to generate a new Primary Key field. So far it seemed fine.
Problem: I needed to change the field type of some of the fields – they were all showing as Text[VARCHAR] fields. I could use the drop-down menu against a field to change it to Integer, or something else, but LO would not let me save that change. Gave the error: ‘The column “Institution ID” could not be changed. Should the column instead be deleted and the new format appended?’ This problem occurred with all tables and fields.
In my previous forays into Base, I’ve been able to change the field type of fields I’ve created from scratch, and I don’t know why LO won’t let me change these.