Basic: Current document path


momentan versuche ich mich an Makros und schaffe es bereits mein Dokument in einen vorher eingegebenen Pfad zu exportieren. (mittels DispatchHelper, ExportDirectToPDF usw.)

Ich möchte allerdings erreichen, dass immer in einem Untervezeichnis des Dokumentenstandorts gespeichert wird. Wie komme ich an diesen “CurrentLocation”-Pfad?


i’m trying to get the current document path in order to continue fiddling around with DispatchHelper, ExportDirectToPDF etc.

So far i created dialogs for choosing the path and i can hardcode the path too, but i want to achieve that i can export it to a subdirectory of the current document path, it would make my solution more mobile, only depending on the subdirectory existing in the same directory with the document.


Edit: Crosspost from my german thread, thanks to Opaque for the headsup.

Please see answer in the german section (Basic: Derzeitiger Speicherort von Datei) - btw: You should have mentioned that you crossposted