BASIC runtime error '423' document

Hi, I am trying to get data from a website, but I can’t, don’t understand whats the problem,

Does any one have some idea?

Why? Why you’re asking? Why not just search?


Why are you asking us and not Microsoft? This is their error code, this is their Internet Explorer


Try putting a breakpoint at line 20, let IE load the page, and let the macro continue. Then read the description of Navigate method, paying attention to “asynchronous” words.

@JohnSUN, Ok thanks, Basically what I want its get some data from a website, but I cant get access through Internet Explorer Application, Is there another way to get data from website, I already try with FILTERXML WEBSERVICE or Link to External data It doesn’t work.

Details please, “it doesn’t work” doesn’t tell anything. It does what instead? Calling WEBSERVICE() with an URI like =WEBSERVICE("") should load the page source into the cell, you’ll have to heighten it to see content, i.e. press Shift+Alt+Down on the cell. Whether that content is actually filterable with FILTERXML() is a different story.