Basic runtime error (colNameRegex.Expression)

Windows 11 23H2
LibreOffice x86_64

I am (tryig to) write a macro, the intention of which is to copy the contents of column A, on Sheet1, to teh corresponding column on Sheet2

Beng a newbie, I’ve consulted docs, done searches etc, and come up with the following:


Sub CopySingleColumn()

Dim oDoc As Object, oSheetSource As Object, oSheetDest As Object
Dim oRangeSource As Object, oRangeDest As Object
Dim xRangeDest As Object
Dim i As Long, lastRow As Long
Dim oStartCell As Object
Dim colNameRegex As Object, matches As Object

oDoc = ThisComponent

’ *** VERY Robust Sheet Getting ***
oSheetSource = oDoc.Sheets.getByName(“Sheet1”) ’ Replace “Sheet1” with your source sheet name
If IsNull(oSheetSource) Then
MsgBox “Source sheet ‘Sheet1’ not found!”, vbCritical, “Copy Column”
Exit Sub
End If

oSheetDest = oDoc.Sheets.getByName(“Sheet2”) ’ Replace “Sheet2” with your destination sheet name
If IsNull(oSheetDest) Then
MsgBox “Destination sheet ‘Sheet2’ not found!”, vbCritical, “Copy Column”
Exit Sub
End If

’ *** VERY Robust Column Check ***
Dim sourceColumn As String
sourceColumn = “A” ’ Source Column
If sourceColumn = “” Then
MsgBox “Source column is not specified!”, vbCritical, “Copy Column”
Exit Sub
End If

’ Check if the column name is valid (A-Z, case-insensitive, one or more characters)
Set colNameRegex = CreateUnoService(“”) ’ Create regex object
colNameRegex.Expression = “^[A-Za-z]+$” ’ Regular expression for one or more letters
colNameRegex.CaseSensitive = False ’ Case-insensitive matching
Set matches = colNameRegex.createSearchCursor(sourceColumn)

If matches.Count = 0 Then ’ No match found
MsgBox "Invalid source column name: " & sourceColumn, vbCritical, “Copy Column”
Exit Sub
End If

’ *** Last Row Calculation (with NULL check) ***
Dim oCursor As Object
oCursor = oSheetSource.createCursor()

If IsNull(oCursor) Then
MsgBox “Source sheet is empty.”, vbInformation, “Copy Column”
Exit Sub
End If

lastRow = oCursor.RangeAddress.EndRow + 1
If lastRow = 0 Then Exit Sub

’ *** Range Getting (with error handling) ***
On Error GoTo RangeError ’ Set an error handler
oStartCell = oSheetSource.getCellRangeByName(sourceColumn & “1”) ’ Get the first cell in the column
oRangeSource = oStartCell.Resize(lastRow, 1) ’ Resize to the correct range
On Error GoTo 0 ’ Reset error handler

’ *** Destination Range (Create cell if needed) ***
Dim destStartCell As String
destStartCell = “A1” ’ Set destination start cell here (e.g., “B2”, “C5”, etc.)
oRangeDest = oSheetDest.getCellRangeByName(destStartCell)
oSheetDest.getCellByPosition(oRangeDest.CellAddress.Column, oRangeDest.CellAddress.Row).Value = “” ’ Force cell creation

xRangeDest = oRangeDest.queryInterface(
xRangeDest = xRangeDest.Resize(oRangeSource.Rows.Count, 1)

xRangeDest.Value = oRangeSource.Value

Exit Sub ’ Important: Exit the macro normally

RangeError: ’ Error handler
MsgBox “Error getting source range. Check column and data.”, vbCritical, “Copy Column”
Exit Sub

End Sub


The problem is that, when I try to run the macro, I get teh folowing error:

BASIC runtime error.
Object variable not set.

The above is pointing to line 35, which reads:

colNameRegex.Expression = “^[A-Za-z]+$” ’ Regular expression for one or more letters

I’m probably doing somehng wrong or making things way to complicated!

Could you please point to the source of the line of code quoted above? Thanks.

What if the source column contains formulas which make no sense in the target position? What about formats and styles?
If your chat partner has not asked you these questions, you should not trust them (f/m/d/n ?) in any way.

Generally: The given code is too convoluted, and not targeted enough. The assumption that every string of letters is a legal column name is absurd.

@mikekaganski please do not waste any more time on this, it’s clear to me now that what I have is far too convoluted and off piest.

Many thanks for your time

@Lupp please do not waste any more time on this, it’s clear to me now that what I have is far too convoluted and off piest.

Many thanks for your time