Best way to create (preferably "copy/pastable") check-boxes (writer)?

Hi everyone.

I am using Writer to create forms. In these forms I want to create check-boxes to be ticked by my clients.

Just wondering what the best way to do this is?

Currently I am using the “rectangle” shape found at far left of the bottom “shapes” toolbar (or whatever you call it) then simply resizing it into a small square.

However, copy/pasting this shape doesn’t seem to work- I would like to be able to make one, then copy/paste it into different lines, saving time and ensuring each square is the same size.

Thanks to all.


Why not use actual check boxes for form controls? From menu, turn on Form Controls toolbar. Select the Design Mode icon, then click on the Check Box icon. Now on your document, use the left mouse button & drag out the size wanted. You can then right mouse click it and change properties if wanted. To finish, again click the Design Mode icon to go back to the regular editing of the document.

Chapter 15 in the Writer documentation deals with forms - click here.

Alternatively, you can use a special character

  1. Insert | Special Characters
  2. Select the font OpenSymbol from the font dropdown
  3. Scroll down - you’ll find an assortment of possibly suitable symbols.

You can readily copy and paste, and change the size by simply altering the font size of the symbols.

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