Big-ish equations breaks libre office

OS = Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
LO version :
Saved format : .odt but the problem is similar in .docx

Hello folks,

I am trying to write my thesis, but after some large equation, I cannot scroll through the document anymore as it will just repeat some text before the equation that it couldn’t render.
I have written an equation and now I cannot use the document anymore.


When in a big-ish file (30 pages), I cannot access the equation in question, nor erase it or modify it. This behavior breaks the whole document if you have saved it before noticing it…
But I can create a second ODT file with only equations which works fine, I then copy a screenshot of the equation, but it is a big annoying

Any idea what’s going on ?
How to fix this ?

Please help :slight_smile:

Absolutely none since you didn’t give any objective, technical clue. Start with the beginning: OS name, LO version, save format. Then provide a sample file.

Considering the abyssal information vacuum, don’t answer with a comment. Instead, reopen your question by clicking on below it, then on the “pencil” icon" and edit it with facts hinting at a wway to reproduce the issue.

Hello ajittoz, I was a bit panicking and forgot essentials.
Thanks for the reminder

Unfortunately, a screenshot doesn’t allow to diagnose issue. Attach the file or a reduced version of it with the problem. If you consider your document confidential, send it privately top me: click on the icon/name at top left of my comment, then press the Message button. There is a size limit on attachments (I don’t remember if it is 1MB or 5MB).

Here is the problematic document in which words have been rondomized.

Equations and figures are the same, and bug is still present
problematic_document.odt (686.1 KB)

What should I look for? No issue here with your document (Fedora 39, KDE Plasma desktop, LO

General remark: your document is not extensively styled. You have too much direct formatting (even taking into account the masquerading of contents). YOU DON’T USE AT ALL character styles. Your lists (bullet and number the same) are created with toolbar buttons instead of list styles. There is a single paragraph style, Body Text for all the discourse, covering paragraph with different semantics, like caption for figures, list items, perhaps definitions, comments, …

In such a document, consistent and exhaustive styling is a key to “comfort” and quick completion so that you can concentrate on contents, not on look. Also, in the end, you can optimise formatting and layout without caring for contents because full semantic formatting separates look from contents.

Also no visible issue under Win10, LibO versions 7.3.6 and 24.8.0.
There is one strange thing:
The formula you posted as an image does not occur in the sample document. Why?
Can you post the formula string by which you tried to create that formula?
(For the longest formula in your sample document this is
Comp-cost = {sum from{x'} p(x' divides x)log ( {p(x' divides x)} over {p(x')} )} underbrace { perceptual cost } + {sum from{y} p(y divides x')log ( {p(y divides x')} over {p(y)} )} underbrace {cost of response} + {sum from{y} p(y divides x', T)log ( {p(y divides x', T)} over {p(y divides x')} )} underbrace {inhibition/context cost}
Best also attach an updated sample text where you pasted in a copy of a short text range containing that "graphical object (“As Character”) or its anchor (“As Pragraph”).
Under what class of content is it shown in your navigator?
The class for formulas is “OLE objects”. Is your object represented there?

I can scroll through all sections, but when I arrive at the section with the equations, it bugs, it looks like this.

Thanks for the advice, If we can correct this I might use it the section formatting and all, but I migrated to Latex now, easier to share with my thesis director too.
It is not indeed the right equation, the one I shared has been done in a different document. As it is bugging, I cannot modify the equation within the document, it was just a snapshot of what is making this wrecked.

Thanks for your help

This looks more like a display artefact caused by scrolling. When I experience this, usually scrolling back and forth solves the issue. Mainly I need to cross a page.

You’re under Ubuntu, but which is your desktop manager: GNOME or Unity? I don’t think Ubuntu 22 runs Wayland, so this can rule out graphical issues.

Hello, thanks for your help.

I am using GNOME 42.9.

Once the graphic bug occurs, nothing is displaed appart from the repeated paragraph.
I have to close the document and reopen it.
It occurs everytime I scroll on it.

I really don’t know why it is happening, but it could be nice to leave a trace on internet, maybe correct this behavior in an update

This probably isn’t helpful, but if you are writing a thesis with big equations in it, you really should be using LaTex!

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I have migrated to latex indeed, it just felt weird to have a bug with only few pages

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I don’t see any problem in Win 11, LO I think it is more likely to be an issue with Zotero/LibreOffice, maybe this link would help, How to "get out" of a Zotero citation in LibreOffice ? - Zotero Forums

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