Blank pages at random places when generating PDF

I had been having problems with the generated PDFs by Writer. The generated PDF have blank pages at random places, sometimes it’s just 1 blank page, others several blank pages.
I checked the original file and it doesn’t have blank pages so i guess the problem arise when generating the PDF. This has been happening with LibreOffice 5.4 and the newer 5.4.1, both using Windows 10.

Does anyone know of how can i solve this issue?

Most probably, you have non-contiguous numbering in your document, and Writer inserts empty missing pages. See, e.g., page numbering information at the bottom left corner of status bar.

See PDF Options-General-Export automatically inserted blank pages.

Hi, thanks for the reply, i did uncheck the automatically inserted blank pages and there are still some blank pages, the problem seems to happen when there are inserted images at the end of a page. i will try t fix the position/size of the images and see what happens.
The enumeration is done by Writter in automatic, so idk if i can fix it by hand.