5.3.7 final should address this for folks.
The 5.3 releases implement DirectWrite Direct2D font rendering reducing use of legacy GDI font rendering. Unfortunately there are continuing issues with our DirectWrite implementation. The entire 5.3 release is a bust, and we have restored the GDI rendering for the final 5.3.7 build. rc1 is available now in pre-release, with rc2 final in the works.
OpenGL based rendering also uses DirectWrite, but for GPUs that pass the blacklist and OpenGL startup test–the rendering is of the same quality as the default rendering (good or bad depending on you GPU/driver combination) it either works OK, or it is broken and will not run in that mode.
5.4 release is also affected, and at the 5.4.3 build we will roll back to GDI rendering (again not for OpenGL which retains DirectWrite). This roll back is considered termporary as the DirectWrite implementation is reworked, could have additional issues in 5.4 release.