[Book]To Tame a Writer: LibreOffice Writer for Writers

It is available for download the book

To Tame a Writer

a CC text that explains how to get the most out of the LibreOffice Writer word processor (with a few pages dedicated to Draw, Math and Chart).

This book is a translation of an earlier book in Spanish called “Domando al escritor” which has a long history, its first incarnation being a series of articles dating back to 2006.

This edition is centred in LibreOffice 6.1, presenting also some of the new features that version 6.2 will give us in early 2019.

More information in the project page.

That’s not a question. :slight_smile:

Nice! Will share the project page link myself on a few social media sites, but not until tomorrow so today’s release posts at same get the star treatment for a day…yes :wink:

I did just give it a quick scan and downloaded a copy - it does looks quite nice.

Well done and thank you @RGB-es (I’ve already downloaded it).

A great contribution!

“not a question” No, but the book answers many questions.