I’d like to set some (odt local) files as preferred (favorites) as if they were “bookmarked”, so to say. Possibly from “File” menu or from a new menu…
It’s possible?
Besides, it should be alternatively useful edit “recent files”, deleting (from menu, not from HD) some files, but keeping other ones.
Besides, it should be alternatively useful edit “recent files”, deleting
You can delete files from recent files list quite easily. Click the X
on the thumbnail:

And from my point of view deleting (managing) files from the recent files pane can serve as what you are asking for (Keep all your favorites and remove all others).
Thank you. Yes this can be helpful. Even though it would be better, in my opinion, delete files from recent opened within LibreWriter (maybe adding an X at right side of each name in LibreWriter recent files menu).
Well that’s only part of the request. What would be useful would be what is referred to as a ‘favorite’ file/document feature. This is the same as ‘bookmarking’ a file (as the post requested) but the term ‘bookmark’ would be confusing since you have bookmarks (locations) within a document.
This ‘favorites’ feature would logically be implemented on the Recent Files page and the File menu (as a submenu option).
There is a very nice plugin available at https://gitlab.com/mauriciobaeza/zaz-favorite which provides much of this functionality right now. It would be nice to see this integrated into LO in a future release.