I recently realized that the newer versions of Impress somehow don’t show boundary boxes of objects anymore.
I created a new presentation, clicked into the placeholder for “title”, entered some Text and the boundary box is gone. Simply not shown anymore.
To make sure it’s not my installation I completely reinstalled Libreoffice and deleted ~/.config/libreoffice.
Further I created a new empty user and still got the same behavior. Another check I did was to turn off Hardware acceleration, transparency and antialiasing in Libreoffice and stopped my window manager’s compositor (compton). Still the same. I even tried to set the color of object boundaries in preferences on red, just to make sure it’s not related to that… =/
I am using Libreoffice 4.2 with an Intel graphics card with Xserver 1.16-2.
Does anyone have an idea how I can get Impress to ALWAYS show object boundaries even for boxes containing text?
Oh and to clarify that: I do not want to set a border like you do with “Edit Style” > “Line”. I just want the boundary that is shown in the so called “Normal” slide-editing view.