Brak możliwości wydrukowania dokumentu w LibreOffice Calc. Wersja angielski calc z libreoffice.
Windows XP Home Edition angielski
Sorry, but this is an international forum and by far most of it users only can use English as the common language. I only can recognize that your language comes from an Easter European country.
This is what I get by : “Inability to print a document in LibreOffice Calc. Version English with libreoffice calc. Windows XP Home Edition English”.
That’s far too few information for a reasonable answer. If you was asked a similar question: What would you ask in return? Give us the respective information, too.
My comment translated into Polish :: “To zbyt mało informacji za rozsądną odpowiedź. Jeśli została askaed podobne pytanie: Co by poprosić w zamian? Daj nam odpowiednich informacji, także.”
I think this is Polish is it not?