When you move your mouse cursor near the blue dashed page break line, it would become a horizontal rectangle with arrows above and below. When cursor is like that, double-click.
The same is available as View
→Hide Whitespace
If i do use “Hide Whitespace”, i will have to do that, again and again, every time I open Libre. Which is very annoying. I want to save pages. And i tried adding short-key for it, it doesn’t allow to have a shortkey for “hide whitespace”.
And i tried adding short-key for it, it doesn’t allow to have a shortkey for “hide whitespace”
Heh I have to say that it works for me here… (tested on Windows though - but I don’t expect it to be different on other platforms, unless you somehow assign a key that is used somewhere else).
Another option - saved with file - is using Web View. But then you’d loose page completely.