Breaking page without leaving space. Is this possible? (Screenshot available)

It looks gross. There is huge gap between two page. So, if someone knows, please do tell.

When you move your mouse cursor near the blue dashed page break line, it would become a horizontal rectangle with arrows above and below. When cursor is like that, double-click.

The same is available as ViewHide Whitespace.

If i do use “Hide Whitespace”, i will have to do that, again and again, every time I open Libre. Which is very annoying. I want to save pages. And i tried adding short-key for it, it doesn’t allow to have a shortkey for “hide whitespace”.

And i tried adding short-key for it, it doesn’t allow to have a shortkey for “hide whitespace”

Heh :slight_smile: I have to say that it works for me here… (tested on Windows though - but I don’t expect it to be different on other platforms, unless you somehow assign a key that is used somewhere else).

Another option - saved with file - is using Web View. But then you’d loose page completely.