When I have a box filled with a pattern, the pattern always overrides another box placed on top of it, regardless of my tries to bring to the front/back.
Also placing items on top of a (background) photo does not work
Please specify your question and upload a sample file. OS version? LO version?
- box - do you mean a textbox or a rectangle
On different OpenOffice and LibreOffice versions I could not verify your described results.
- I mean rectangle or other geometric figures
- L O Version: (x64)
- OS: Windows 10
And another strange thing: When a paste a picture on top of the pattern sometimes it really works, but if I duplicate the picture it always is placed under the pattern.
Upload a sample file and additionally a screenshot.
I can’t understand it.
Works for me just like it’s supposed to.
Thanks for your help. When i copied the items in my drawing to a new sheet, it works as it should do. Still it does not work on the “old” sheet but we can forget it and close this ticket…