Build just libreoffice writer

if i want to build libreoffice from source, can i build just libreoffice writer and not all the other products? (this will consume less resources and takes less time)

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but the question was about :

will it ?
what gpt says ? :wink:

Don’t forget to ask ChatGPT, if LibreOffice build system uses CMake.


i did not read the documentation of libreoffice yet, i just tried to see its answere and i’m not saying that is right, so why i’m asking here? if you have a good answere that would be better.

Already given by MikeKaganski.
Short version: Not the dafault, therfore a lot of work to config, but you will always pay a price in features. And imho not to be attempted as first project.
As we see here also people asking for help, because Writer is not playing their videos it is difficult to decide, wich features are necessary. (Graphics?, Serial letters with datasources from Base, Math)
And for developers: While your first run to compile is a lot of work, subsequent runs will be quicker, as unchanged parts don’t need compiling…

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It depends on what the “this” is the “this will consume less resources and takes less time” really means.

If you mean that “this” is the build process (i.e., the time spent by your CPU), then probably yes. You can save some CPU time, by building only dependencies of Library_sw, and the Library_sw itself. It’s as easy as running make Library_sw (indeed, after you configured the build environment using with the arguments you need). In the end, you will get some DLLs created, in a bit less time than the whole LibreOfffice build (I would estimate, that it would take maybe 3/4 of the whole LibreOffice build time).

But it will then take your much more valuable time, figuring out why the end result doesn’t run. It’s because you only built libraries, not the program. Of course, you may then also cd desktop; make - and then maybe run into some missing dependencies unresolved because of building inside a module instead of in the root … and then, finally, after days of figuring things, you could get to a running state with “only” Writer libraries built, only to find out that the end result starts. In the course, most of the Draw libraries will be built anyway - just because any graphics and images in Writer are implemented using Draw code. If Calc won’t be built, any OLE objects with spreadsheet data will fail in your Writer documents. Mail Merge will not work without Base. Formulas will not work without Math. Charts won’t work without the chart libraries.

But indeed, everything is possible in software :wink: