Bypassing "Character Set" Dialogue on Opening Lotus .123 via (Basic) Macro?

My macro batch below: Opens a list of Lotus.123 files (N9.8.0208.1200) and attempts to then save them, in turn, as Excel 97-2003 .xls via a code loop. But I keep getting the CS dialogue when opening each .123 and cant seem to bypass it (or as below, use ShellExecute to chose the default CS: Western Europe (DOS/OS2-437/US) which causes it to stall/hang ! .
Any tips on how to elegant overcome this initial CS dialogue that is halting the macro runstream ? (and causing the macro below to stall/hang) …ideally looking for a programmatic fix ie “within” Calc macro coding without recourse to Shell or terminal commands (or God-forbid “SendKeys” !!)

Most kind

REM  Import .123 Files held in external .CSV file-listing & Save as Excel 97 
Sub OpenAndConvertLotus123ToExcel()
    Dim sCSVFile As String
    Dim sLine As String
    Dim sSourceFile As String
    Dim sTargetFile As String
    Dim oDoc As Object
    Dim FileNo As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim oArgs(2) As New
    Dim oSaveArgs(1) As New
    Dim sCommand As String
    Dim oShell As Object
    Dim result As Long
    Dim oService As Object

    ' CSV file containing the list of .123 files to Convert on loop
    sCSVFile = "c:\data\ws3\Calc_Convert_123_to_Excel97_LIST.CSV"
    ' Check if file exists
    If Dir(sCSVFile) = "" Then
        FlashMessage "Error: CSV file not found - " & sCSVFile, 2
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Open the CSV file
    On Error GoTo FileOpenError
    FileNo = FreeFile
    Open sCSVFile For Input As FileNo

    ' Loop through each line in the CSV file
    i = 0
    Do While Not EOF(FileNo)
        Line Input #FileNo, sLine
        sSourceFile = Trim(sLine)
        If sSourceFile <> "" Then
            ' Step 1: Use soffice to open the .123 file with the correct character set
            sCommand = "soffice --infilter=""Text (encoded):Western Europe (DOS/OS2-437/US)"" """ & sSourceFile & """"
            oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
            result = oShell.ShellExecute("cmd.exe", "/c " & sCommand, "", "open", 0)

            ' Ensure the process is started but don't wait for it to complete
            If result = 0 Then
                FlashMessage "Successfully opened file: " & sSourceFile, 2
                FlashMessage "Failed to open file: " & sSourceFile, 2
                GoTo NextFile
            End If

            ' Step 2: Load the document in LibreOffice and convert it to Excel format
            oArgs(0).Name = "FilterName"
            oArgs(0).Value = "Lotus"
            oArgs(1).Name = "CharacterSet"
            oArgs(1).Value = "Western Europe (DOS/OS2-437/US)" ' Automatically specify character set
            ' Try loading the document again to ensure it is opened correctly
            On Error GoTo ImportError
            oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(ConvertToURL(sSourceFile), "_blank", 0, oArgs())

            If IsNull(oDoc) Then
                FlashMessage "Failed to load document: " & sSourceFile, 2
                GoTo NextFile
            End If

            ' Prepare the target filename with "_97-2003" suffix
            sTargetFile = Left(sSourceFile, Len(sSourceFile) - 4) & "_97-2003.xls"
            ' Prepare the save arguments for Excel 97-2003
            oSaveArgs(0).Name = "FilterName"
            oSaveArgs(0).Value = "MS Excel 97"
            ' Attempt to save the document as Excel 97-2003
            oDoc.storeAsURL(ConvertToURL(sTargetFile), oSaveArgs())
            ' Close the document

            ' Success message
            FlashMessage "File converted: " & sSourceFile, 2
        End If
        i = i + 1

    ' Close the CSV file
    Close FileNo
    FlashMessage "Conversion Completed: " & i & " files processed.", 2
    Exit Sub

' Error handling
    FlashMessage "Error: Could not open CSV file " & sCSVFile, 2
    Exit Sub

    FlashMessage "Error: Could not process file " & sSourceFile, 2
    Resume Next
End Sub

' Flash message to replace dialog interactions, lasts for 'duration' seconds
Sub FlashMessage(sMessage As String, duration As Integer)
    Dim oDialog As Object
    Dim oFrame As Object
    Dim oWindow As Object
    Dim oToolkit As Object

    ' Use the StarDesktop to get the current frame
    oFrame = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame
    ' If no active frame, fallback to CurrentFrame
    If IsNull(oFrame) Then
        oFrame = StarDesktop.CurrentFrame
    End If
    ' Check if oFrame is still Null
    If IsNull(oFrame) Then
        FlashMessage "Error: No active frame found. Unable to create message box.", 2
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Get the underlying window of the frame (to avoid getPeer())
    oWindow = oFrame.getContainerWindow()
    ' Check if oWindow is valid
    If IsNull(oWindow) Then
        FlashMessage "Error: Could not retrieve window from frame. Unable to create message box.", 2
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Create the message box using the window object
    oToolkit = CreateUnoService("")
    oDialog = oToolkit.createMessageBox(oWindow, 64, 2, "Information", sMessage)
    ' Wait for the specified duration in seconds (using Timer)
    Dim currentTime As Double
    currentTime = Timer
    While Timer - currentTime < duration
        ' Do nothing, just wait for the specified duration (in seconds)
    ' Dispose of the dialog after the duration
End Sub

Open a file manually with the correct import option.
Inspect ThisComponent.getArgs() and find the property value that was used with that import option.

Helps find FilterName, does not help find FilterOptions. :slight_smile:

@MT_MANC , try this way:

Sub Test
  Dim oArgs(1) As New
  Dim oDoc As Object
  oArgs(0).Name = "FilterName"
  oArgs(0).Value = "WPS_Lotus_Calc"
  oArgs(1).Name = "FilterOptions"
  oArgs(1).Value = "CP437"
  oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(ConvertToURL("C:\temp\Example.123"), "_blank", 0, oArgs())
End Sub
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Without any Lotus file, I could not find this out. I was hoping, we could get the FilterOptions in the same way as with csv files and with dbf files.

I found one file with the extension .123, once downloaded from one of the forums.

Thanks for the feedback. Wondering if anyone had any further thoughts on how to amend my original script code to overcome this CS dialogue on opening .123 ie did anyone manage to get hold of a .123 file to test any fruther

Most kind

You could try with this version:

Why don’t you share one of your files with us?

Attached a sample file
Test 123 file (delete the ‘.ods’ part of the extension (3.3 KB)