Hi all:
I recently upgraded my Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04.
I was using LibreOffice Still PPA ( ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-still ). Before the upgrade, I removed it with ppa-purge, upgraded the system, and then reinstalled that PPA.
Initially, everything seemed to work fine, including LibreOffice Writer. But after a while I tried to open an .ods file (from LibreOffice Calc), and I got this error message:
General Error.
General input/output error.
The first thing that came to mind was subpar error handling. A well-written application would tell you what the problem is, instead of showing a very generic error message.
I found several pointers on the Internet, like the ones here:
“General Error. General input/output error” when opening documents with Libreoffice
I tried everything: reinstalling all LibreOffice packages, removing the PPA and installing the standard LibreOffice that comes with Ubuntu 22.04, renaming “~/.config/libreoffice” (so that it got recreated), and the tips described in the article above. All to no avail.
Java is installed, with package ‘default-jre’, which is version “openjdk 11.0.16 2022-07-19”.
I have upgraded another 2 computers from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 without any problems, but they were not using the LibreOffice Still PPA.
Then I noticed something: if I start ‘libreoffice’ (which gives no errors on the console), only the icons for “Writer Document” and for “Draw Drawing” are available, all others (including “Calc Spreadsheet”) are grayed out.
How do I debug this problem?
Thanks in advance,